When to Start Potty Training

Wondering when to start potty training? Or when your child may be ready for potty training? There’s actually a “magic” age! Most experts say that the best age to start potty training is 22 months. However, besides this “magic number” there are many other things you should consider before you start potty training. To help you […]

Potty Training Books

Whether you are potty training a boy or girl, books are a really important part of potty training. Even though a  potty training in 3 days method was the key to our success, reading books really helped my stubborn toddler potty train. Here are some of my favorite potty training books. They are all best sellers and rated 4.5-5 […]

Potty Fears and Tips

3 day potty training plan

Toddlers can have many fears when it comes to potty training. In fact, being afraid of the potty is one of most common reasons potty training fails. But sometimes it isn’t the potty that your toddler is afraid of. He may have a fear of releasing on the potty, or a fear of going on the toilet. When […]

7 Potty Training Tips for Success

Potty training is one of the most stressful things a parent has to go through with their child—especially if you have a stubborn, strong-willed, or fearful child. This can make potty training a real challenge. To make things easier, I have compiled some of my top potty training tips. Potty training is rarely a walk in the park. […]

5 Most Common Potty Training Mistakes

Let’s face it, potty training is probably one of the hardest things you are going to face with your toddler or preschooler. If you found this page, you have most likely been googling this potty training topic for a while, and weren’t as lucky as the mom at playgroup who claims “he just potty trained himself”. […]

Potty Training Help

potty training help

Have you had enough of wet and messy diapers, leaks, and diaper changes? I can help! Potty training is no walk in the park and if you have a toddler as stubborn or fearful as my daughter was, you know that potty training can be quite the challenge. Luckily, I can help! I have been there myself, […]

Potty Training Must Haves!

This article contains affiliate links, which means I get paid a very small commission for your purchases but don’t worry I only recommend products that I absolutely love! The Potty: Pick a potty that you think is going to work for your child. You can make a day out of it and have them pick […]

Temper Tantrums and Other Problem Behavior

What is a Temper Tantrum? A temper tantrum is an episode of extreme anger or frustration, characterized by screaming, yelling, crying, kicking, throwing self on the floor, and even head banging. Something I learned from Kids: The Manual. Tantrums usually happen between the ages of 1 and 4. They slowly start to decrease after that age […]

Potty Training 101

when to start potty training, when do you start potty training, best age for potty training

So you have decided you have had enough of diapers, messy poop, and laundry due to leaks. You want to potty train, but you have no idea where to get started. You have heard horror stories from your friends and on baby forums. I know, I have been there. So lets talk about some potty training basics. […]