Need to potty train? But don’t have hours to read books, take courses, or do it yourself?
Potty train in 3 days with a simple, proven plan.
Well, crap! It’s time to potty train…
Have an impending daycare or preschool deadline keeping you up at night?
Maybe baby #2 is on the way and you want to potty train before you’ve got double diaper duty.
Or… you might just be ready to call it quits after changing the 6,001st diaper…
That number isn’t made up by the way.
Babies go through about 3,000 diapers in their first year. And about 2,000 every year after that. If your toddler’s two and a half… you’ve changed over 6,000 diapers. 😲
Whatever the reason…
When it’s time to potty train, it’s time.

First things first, you need a realistic, toddler-proof plan.
When I potty trained my own kids, I realized that most of the free potty plans you can find on the internet are one size fits all.
This leads to a ton of unnecessary frustration. Because the truth is, every child is different. And every child reacts differently to potty training.
I learned this the hard way with my daughter. She was absolutely terrified of the potty, which made potty training *near* impossible. Seriously… there were times I was afraid she would never be potty trained.
I wanted a plan that addressed my daughter’s fear and acknowledged the unpredictability and individual quirks of each kid out there. Basically, a plan that prepared me for anything!
When I couldn’t find one… I decided to develop my own. With that plan, I finally potty trained my firstborn and went on to potty train my second daughter in 3 days. Now, hundreds of parents have used that same plan to potty train in 3 days too!

Hey there! I'm Violet
I’m an RN, mom of two, entrepreneur, and pediatric sleep and potty training consultant. These days, I also train sleep and parenting consultants as the founder and lead instructor of the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting.
Over the past decade, I’ve helped hundreds of families potty train their kids!
Whether your child is mortally terrified of public toilets, demands a diaper for #2, or straight up refuses to go in the potty… trust me, I’ve seen it all! No matter how impossible it seems right now, I promise there’s a way. I’m here to help!

Your free time is sacred
You do NOT need to spend hours reading boring books or taking lengthy courses to potty train successfully.
As a parent, I know how it is. You need your free time to decompress and do something for you.
That’s why I created a simple, yet powerful potty training plan that has all the info you need to know without the time-eating fluff.
Meet the 3-day Potty Plan
The easy-to-follow, quick-to-read guide that teaches you exactly how to potty train your child in 3 days.

With the 3 Day Potty Training Plan, you will…
- Get the tools you need to assess if your child is truly ready for potty training. Save yourself frustration and confusion by starting too soon! Plus, feel confident when the time is truly right.
- Discover how to remove potty training barriers before you start. Set your toddler up for success!
- Access the exact, proven methods that hundreds of parents have used to potty train successfully!
- Get step-by-step, daily instructions that take the guesswork away and give you peace of mind.
- Learn practical strategies to solve common potty training challenges. Think holding in poop, naptime and bedtime, stubbornness, outings, and more…
- Comes with a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, that's how confident I am that the plan will work!

See what other parents think…
- Louise
- Jennie
Research shows that rewards are a powerful potty training aid.
That’s why I’m adding this free bonus to every order of The 3-Day Potty Plan!
Free Bonus
10 Potty Reward Charts
($20 Value)

You’re 3 days away from potty training success! 🥳

What Happens Next?
Click Buy Now
Once you click the Buy Now button above, you’ll be taken to a secure order form. You can pay via PayPal or credit or debit card.
Receive the 3 Day Potty Training Plan
After payment, you’ll have immediate access to the plan. We’ll send The 3-Day Potty Plan and the bonus potty reward charts as pdfs to the email you entered at checkout.
Ready to Potty! 🥳
Plus, the plan comes with a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

The methods in this potty training plan are curated from evidence-based research, my knowledge as a mom and RN, and my experience potty training hundreds of children in the past decade.
Anyone can throw out the diapers and sit their baby on the potty several times a day. But it’s just not that easy.
In fact, potty training usually fails because of unexpected hurdles along the way.
Sure, there are plenty of legit potty training strategies out there to get you started. But after that… you’re on your own. With no way to troubleshoot as problems arise. And let’s be realistic! If you have a toddler, that’s pretty much inevitable! 😅
I don’t want to leave you hanging like that! That’s why I included step-by-step instructions to solve the toughest potty training challenges along the way.
That’s also why I’m so confident it will work for you that I offer a 100% money-back guarantee!

“If this plan can help my daughter (one of the most stubborn and headstrong toddlers I’ve ever met) it can help anyone”
“The 3-Day Potty Plan is an absolute godsend. After nearly a year of potty training that didn’t seem to be getting anywhere and was leading to frustration, stress, and anxiety after trying everything, we still could not get past her fear of letting go on the potty… In the 3 days of doing the plan, we achieved a huge breakthrough and made more progress than we ever did in months and months of potty training. My daughter went from being terrified and distressed by using the potty to happily using and asking for it. I am eternally grateful for Violet and her plan, as I was so close to giving up. If this plan can help my daughter (one of the most stubborn and headstrong toddlers I’ve ever met) it can help anyone.”
~ Nikki

With this method, most children are potty trained within 3 days. Some might take a few days longer. If you and your little one are really struggling and need specialized help, we recommend checking out our one-on-one services.
We’re so confident that this plan will work that we offer a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with your purchase.
Yes! However, Violet recommends staying home from daycare for 3 days. You’ll see results much faster this way! Many parents wait until a long weekend or take off work Friday to potty train over the weekend.
We also offer one-on-one consultations. You can check them out here.
That’s alright! Many parents have had success with this plan even though they’ve tried before. Usually, it’s the troubleshooting section that makes all the difference!
Most toddlers are ready to potty train at around 2 years old. If you’re not sure if your child is ready, the plan includes a section to assess readiness.
Yes. You’ll see results faster and it makes things easier for everyone! Many parents wait until a long weekend or take off work Friday to potty train over the weekend.
Both Violet and Erin are certified in special needs and have experience working with children who have Autism, SPD, OCD, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorder. We highly recommend our one-on-one services for children with special needs. This allows us to get to know you and provide personalized advice to meet your child’s needs. Click here to find out more about one-on-one services.
Yes, you can. While there isn’t a section dedicated to potty training twins, you’d either apply the method to both kids at once or potty train them separately.
We’re happy to answer any of your questions! Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you shortly!